
Dienstag, 11. Februar 2025

The Anthropocene Foundry Los Angeles 202

 My video workdisorientated displacement” is part of:

The Anthropocene Foundry Los Angeles 2025

January 18th – March 1st. 2025

Tuesday – Saturday 11am - 5pm*

Torrance Art Museum, 3320 Civic Center Drive, Torrance, CA 90503, USA

The Anthropocene Foundry Los Angeles 2025 – is consisting of 6 video programs, for each week another program composed of 2 parts. The sources for curating/selecting - of thematic and technical nature alike - are standing under the motto of “Finiteness /Infinity”:

The Anthropocene Project, including about 500 international artists, created and curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne for The New Museum of Networked Art - dealing with the human impact on nature and the natural living environment manifested in two comprehensive media collections – video art & sound art, and focused on animation, e.g. animate’C24 – the retrospective of Cologne Art & Animation Festival (2010-2025) pointing to the human impact in terms of the artistic creation itself. The video artists composing different types of self-created footage, partially using the latest technology (artificial intelligence), are based on a specific subjective view on the Big Creation (our world) forming new types of reality of the world they are living in. They do not only reflect the existing but go far beyond to visions of the future referring to the finiteness of life as well as the infinity of the Creation. By being confronted with, the audience @ Torrance Art Museum becomes the foundry of a new human existence, at least in the imagination.

Thanks to the curator Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

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