
Montag, 27. Januar 2025


The presentation of my video performance “meaning to be hidden” has been scheduled to be screened from Jan. 28 to Feb. 01, 2025 at LATITUDES 2025, at the Gallery of the Centro de la Cultura Plurinacional, CCP. Calle Rene Moreno #369, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia,


28.01.2025 – 01.02.2025

Venues and hosting organizations: Centro de la Cultura Plurinacional (CCP), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Museo de la Ciudad Altillo Beni (MAB) and Alliance Francaise Santa Cruz (AFSCZ),

City of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia,

Festival Internacional de Performance Art de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, and Performance Art Bolivia (PABA)The program of the sixth edition of the festival consists of an exhibition based on records of video performances, presentation of live performances and teleperformances.The Festival addresses a reflection on issues such as the notion of identity, plurinationality, the construction of identification, inequality or regional affiliation, as well as the creation and development of a national corporality as a result of independence and postcolonial thought.

Director & Curator Hector Canonge

 “meaning to be hidden”

The concept of the performance follows a strict choreography, the performer reflects in carefully executed movements the notion of dignity in relation to time, silence, the power of solitude and life. It points out that every living being and every object has a dignity and its time. In addition, it deals with the concepts of desire and uselessness. Desire for uselessness is not about chasing uselessness, but about finding meaning in the seemingly impractical through creativity, criticism and insight. Let us consider desire as an energy, not a void. When desire is freed from the constraints of utility, it becomes a force that can lead us to new ideas and forms of expression, showing that the useless has its own productivity.

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