
Mittwoch, 11. September 2024

《 12x12x12+ Nature / Nature Art Cube Exhibition》

12x12x12+ Nature - / -Nature Art Cube Exhibition of Geumgang Nature Art Biennale 2024

24/08/ - 31/10//2024 / Daily except Mondays 10.00-17.00 h

Exhibition Venue: Geumgang Nature Art Center, Gongju City, Republic of Korea

12x12x12+ Nature / Nature Art Cube Exhibition, which has been conducted as one of the indoor exhibitions of Geumgang Nature Art Biennalesince 2017, is a program that seeks to interpret and broaden awareness of nature in various ways of thinking and expression in a 12cm cube. In fact, dealing with nature in a limited space is not as easy as you might think, but on the other hand, because it is a limited space, paradoxically, you may be able to show more imagination.

About my cube “Cube 6041”

A solid cube made of wood and tree parts. A symbol of stability and compactness in nature. And yet a material that lives, changes, and perishes. It is not a symbol of the cycle of life, but in this case a cube of life. But also a contrast between man-made forms and natural forms

Dienstag, 10. September 2024

14 September 2024 ĀBOLOŠANA

Only a few days left until the final presentation on September 14, 2024 to round off my project with the working title "a touch of shadows of times and harvest”. The video work has been edited and the room installation is also finished. Now a few rehearsals for the live performance "The Plant", which, unlike the previous performances, takes place indoors. I also had time to add new material for future works to my extensive archive of images and concepts.


Starting 11.00 a.m., September 14, 2024 

at SERDE, Atmodas iela 9, Aizpute, Latvia 

With the kind support of SERDE residencies

Montag, 2. September 2024


Five photographic works and two new videos works “floating traces of empty worlds and time” & “nothing will stay as it was” will be on view in the group exhibition “Traces” in the Main hall of the Museum of Nonconformist Art from September 7 to October 27, 2024. More than twenty artists will present their interpretations of the theme in photographs, installations, objects, graphics and video works. The opening is on September 7, 2024 at 17:00 h.

Curated by Anastasia Patsey

The five photographic work belong to my ongoing photo portfolio “Traces and traces in many cities”. The two recent video works “floating traces of empty worlds and time” and “nothing will remain as it was” were originally created specifically for the theme of traces

Every word we say, every step we take, every action leaves a trace. Some traces are exact prints, in them you can easily recognize the original object. Others are more like shadows that leave room for the imagination. Our attitude towards footprints can also be very different. Sometimes we want to leave a trace, and sometimes vice versa–we want to remain unnoticed. This is what we invite artists and viewers to reflect on,” says Anastasia Patsey, the director of MNA and curator of the exhibition. Working with the theme of traces, the artists chose different optics. Some of them study the environment around them, while others look inside themselves.

Museum of Nonconformist Art / Main Hall

Pushkinskaya-10 Art Center bld. C 4th Floor,  Entrance from Ligovsky pr. 53, St. Petersburg, RF 

Photographic Works

Video Stills

Sonntag, 1. September 2024

“a touch of shadows of times and harvest “ Project

 a touch of shadows of times and harvest

Upon invitation from SERDE a Latvian non goverment culture and hertiage association, in the first half of September 2024 I will be back in Latvia for a new interdisciplinary project, this time in the town of Aizpute. The place is only 65 km away from Pedvale Art Park in Sabile, Latvia, where I had a project in May last year. However, both places and projects are different from each other. It will be an interdisciplinary project again, this time on the theme of time and harvest. The project will be implemented in conjunction with the Appel Culture Festival. I plan to make a site-specific video, an installation and present a revision of my performance “The Plant”.