
Freitag, 25. September 2020

KURZstummfilmfestival! - SHORT silent film festival!

KURZstummfilmfestival! - SHORT silent film festival!
On September 26, 2020, the film festival with all selected 19 films and the award ceremony will take place in the Zeche Carl , Wilhelm Nieswandt-Alle 100,45326 Essen, Germany from 3 p.m. - 20 pm. live on site.
This year theme is “ 5 “
Beside the live event the selected films are published on YouTube since September 22, 2020.
My work “Fünf Uhr nachmittags” with Svetlana Rieske is one of the 19 selected films

Donnerstag, 24. September 2020

Aktionsraum 2 (action space2), Ebersberger Kunstverein

 Ebersberger Kunstverein 
 25th of September (opening) - 4th of October 2020
Galerie “Alte Brennerei” im Klosterbauhof 6,  85560 Ebersberg (near Munich) Bavaria, Germany
At the opening evening on 25th September there will be video programm in which three video work of mine will be screened “ Whither goest thou “, “koud slova” and “conecta – no conecta”
On the 2nd and 3rd of October 2020 I will conduct two live performances “peel off (Ablösen) in collaboration with Tanja Wilking (Munich) and the solo performance Isolate (Isolation)
In 1969, Eva Madelung (patron), Peter Nemetschek (artist / photographer) and Alfred Gulden (writer / filmmaker) established the legendary Aktionsraum 1 (action space 1) as an avant-garde collective in Munich, in which conventional work and presentation forms in the art industry should be avoided. The aim was to enable the new performative, institutional and societal-critical efforts in arts to make a public appearance. This action space 1 also functioned as an experimental field, in which the audience was included and art was conveyed in the form of lectures and discussions.
In memory of that ground breaking campaign, curator Peter Kees invented  Aktionsraum 2 (action space 2)
Whether digitization, a changing world of work, rapidly growing capitalism or increasing social problems, the economic, social and societal consequences of the pandemic also have to be negotiated and much more.
There is space for action, discourse, art, lecture, discussion, performance, film. That is why action space 2 sees itself as a field of experimentation in which current topics can be negotiated artistically or not artistically.

Stills videos 
“ Whither goest thou “ with Alena Chernova

“koud slova” with Meer and Kees de Vries 

“conecta – no conecta” with Fred Castro (MX), Fey Montalvo ( MX), Hanna Doucet (FR).

Sonntag, 20. September 2020

More from Kodekü (Collision of the the Arts)

Kodekü - (Kollision der Künste) - Collision of the Arts, Bischofswerda, Germany , 03.09.-13.09.20

I was taking part in this 10-day art project in which artists from various disciplines and international origins come together, live and work in

There is currently a lot of discussion about how it is possible to revitalize rural regions. An important point here is the question of how the creative scene can be drawn into the small town and networked with one another. In order to counteract the politically precarious situation in the east of Saxony, Germany the cultural revitalization of small cities is an essential concern. This is exactly where our project starts. Between 03.09.2020 and 13.09.2020 I created two side specific installations . >Dialogue< which is a in room installation at the KAS, Altes Kino and >Tor< a Land Art installations in the Schillerpark.

Furthermore I gave a variation of performance isolate on 06.09.20 and a performance workshop on 10.09.20 at KAS for school children. Finally followed by the connected-not connected" performance at Schillerpark. This performance was in collaboration with Ulrich Thiem who escorted the performance with his cello. The Land Art installation >Tor< was integrated in the performance

Freitag, 11. September 2020

Kollision der Künste - Collision of the Arts

Currently I am taking part at Kollision der Künste - Collision of the Arts
Kollision der Künste is a 10-day art project in which artists from various disciplines and international origins come together, live and work in Bischofswerda, Germany . 03.09.-13.09.20

There is currently a lot of discussion about how it is possible to revitalize rural regions. An important point here is the question of how the creative scene can be drawn into the small town and networked with one another. In order to counteract the politically precarious situation in the east of Saxony, Germany, the cultural revitalization of small cities is an essential concern. This is exactly where our project starts.
16 local and international artists from the region, will work and inspire each other together for 10 days. Different people, disciplines and styles will collide.
Until now I gave a short performance workshop for school children and finish one of my two side specific installations called "Dialogue"